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Angličtina čtení test – úroveň A1 /Reading – level A1

Přečtěte si text a odpovězte na otázky. Máte na výběr z možností a (true – správně) nebo b (false – chybně). Pokud odpověď nevíte, zvolte možnost c (nevím), abyste se vyvarovali nepřesnému hodnocení. Test by měl trvat maximálně 15 minut.

EN: Read the text and answer the questions. You can choose from two options (a=true, b=false). If you don´t know the answer,choos option c (nevím). The test shouldn´t last more than 15 minutes.


Charlie Sheen is a Hollywood actor. People know him from „Two and a Half Men”. „Two and a Half Men” is a TV comedy series.

Sheen is very famous, and he makes a lot of money. However, he has a problem with drugs. He also drinks too much alcohol, and he has sex with prostitutes. Because of this, his boss fires him from the TV series.

Now, people also say that he has AIDS. Sheen says that it is true. He says that he has AIDS.

1. Sheen is a rich Hollywood actor.
2. He is an abstinent.
3. He appears in the TV series "Two and a Half Men”.
4. He isn´t working for the TV series anymore.
5. He is seriously ill.