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Otestujte si svou znalost angličtiny – 2.část

Angličtina čtení test – úroveň A2

Přečtěte si text a odpovězte na otázky. Máte na výběr z možností a (true – správně) nebo b (false – chybně). Pokud odpověď nevíte, zvolte možnost c (nevím), abyste se vyvarovali nepřesnému hodnocení. Test by měl trvat maximálně 15 minut.

EN: Read the text and answer the questions. You can choose from two options (a=true, b=false). If you don´t know the answer,choos option c (nevím). The test shouldn´t last more than 15 minutes.

British people use technology for 20 minutes longer than they sleep. Many adults use technology for eight hours and 41 minutes a day. This is because of high-speed Internet. People spend more time online. Many people use their phone and watch television at the same time. People watch TV for about three hours a day.

Six-year-olds understand technology the same as 45-year-olds. Fifteen-year-olds are best with technology. A doctor said we are more anti-social. He said we talk less face-to-face. People cannot stop using their phones. Technology also means people work at home using their phone or computer.


1. British people use technology for 20 minutes longer than before.
2. Children don´t undesrtand technology at all.
3. Adults are not best with technology.
4. People are less social.
5. We can´t live without phones.